Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Here is a video of our class doing FRAN. The guy behind me set like a record for the day or something!
I had to take off weight part way through.
For reference I started with 85# and dropped to 65#
95# thrusters
pullups (I still need the pullup band for tons of pullups.)
An EmerFit Class Doing Fran from Chris Brown on Vimeo.
I had to take off weight part way through.
For reference I started with 85# and dropped to 65#
Friday, December 3, 2010
Can you spot me?
I couldn't spot myself at first. I am on the rower on the left.
I feel great. Today was:
double unders (double jump on jump rope)
my time 19:48
Not the fastest, but not bad, I think I could have been alot faster if my jump rope technique was better.

None of my clothes fit well anymore (Christmas hint!)
I don't want to buy anymore until I get to the target weight. I think 215 is good, but I think I would feel better hovering between 210 and 215.
My goal this month isn't necessarily to lose any weight, but not to gain any! It doesnt help when Amber buys a double pack of chocolate covered macadamia nuts from costco--too yummy!
I feel great. Today was:
double unders (double jump on jump rope)
my time 19:48
Not the fastest, but not bad, I think I could have been alot faster if my jump rope technique was better.

None of my clothes fit well anymore (Christmas hint!)
I don't want to buy anymore until I get to the target weight. I think 215 is good, but I think I would feel better hovering between 210 and 215.
My goal this month isn't necessarily to lose any weight, but not to gain any! It doesnt help when Amber buys a double pack of chocolate covered macadamia nuts from costco--too yummy!
Monday, November 8, 2010
I'm Shrinking!!!
I am down to 231#. I feel like I have stalled out the last few days. I decided to hit it hard at crossfit today. I did not scale down the workout, I have decided that I am not going to scale anymore workouts, no matter how long they take me to finish.
I write this 8 hours post workout and my legs are still on FIRE!!!
Todays workout of the day was as follows:
15 minutes maximum rounds of:
6 hang clean squat (like a power clean with a squat mixed in)
8 knees to elbows on the pullup bar
10 wall ball shots (squatting to standing and throwing a medicine ball high on the wall)
I pulled out 6+ rounds before time expired. I did it at the prescribed weight of 115# on the barbell. I FEEL GREAT!!
(SO I have to admit this: we went to colorado springs on saturday and I totally ate dunkin donuts, I felt like a big fat load afterwards)

I write this 8 hours post workout and my legs are still on FIRE!!!
Todays workout of the day was as follows:
15 minutes maximum rounds of:
6 hang clean squat (like a power clean with a squat mixed in)
8 knees to elbows on the pullup bar
10 wall ball shots (squatting to standing and throwing a medicine ball high on the wall)
I pulled out 6+ rounds before time expired. I did it at the prescribed weight of 115# on the barbell. I FEEL GREAT!!
(SO I have to admit this: we went to colorado springs on saturday and I totally ate dunkin donuts, I felt like a big fat load afterwards)

Me doing some pushpress last week.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Steady diet of Sandbag Getups

I am down below 235!
Last week, we had a workout of the day, and the exercise was laying down flat on your back, and getting up with an 80# sandbag on your shoulder and then doing ball slams with a 15# kickball.
the reps were 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. It was exhausting. My coach was heard saying, "you all are on a steady diet of sandbag getups!"
Today the workout was definitely in my wheelhouse. For the first time in a while I felt great WHILE working out. We did 400m run, then 500m row X 5 reps. My time was 23:36. I actually came in 3rd out of 6 people and 4th total for all the classes of the day so far.
Here is the ELK I shot, I know that Dad and Andy are the only ones who follow this blog, so here you go guys!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Welcome to the Suck!!
I walked into the gym today and on the whiteboard it said
"Todays Workout: The SUCK BUFFET"
It was just hard. We decided to call yesterdays workout "There is no escape" It is too complicated to explain in writing.
Today we did:
30-20-10 Box jumps and overhead weighted lunges
rest 2 min
5 rounds of dumbell thrusters x 10, and toe ups on the pullup bar
rest 2 min
20 renegade row (think pushup position on a dumbell, then rowing each arm)
It took me like 25 minutes to complete.
I feel great, I have not felt this great in years. I finish my whole30 today. I will celebrate with some milk tomorrow, and maybe some chocolate chip cookies!
It feels good to have gone 30 days without cheating. Now that I have changed my relationship with food, I can keep on the path of healthy eating.
Here is a picture of me that they posted on the gyms blog. I was doing lateral jumps over the barbell.
"Todays Workout: The SUCK BUFFET"
It was just hard. We decided to call yesterdays workout "There is no escape" It is too complicated to explain in writing.
Today we did:
30-20-10 Box jumps and overhead weighted lunges
rest 2 min
5 rounds of dumbell thrusters x 10, and toe ups on the pullup bar
rest 2 min
20 renegade row (think pushup position on a dumbell, then rowing each arm)
It took me like 25 minutes to complete.
I feel great, I have not felt this great in years. I finish my whole30 today. I will celebrate with some milk tomorrow, and maybe some chocolate chip cookies!
It feels good to have gone 30 days without cheating. Now that I have changed my relationship with food, I can keep on the path of healthy eating.
Here is a picture of me that they posted on the gyms blog. I was doing lateral jumps over the barbell.

Thursday, September 16, 2010
New Addition to the Blog
I put a weight loss ticker at the top of the blog. Seeing my pre-baby weight, and my weight now gives me hope, and momentum.
I worked out yesterday and today. I did not have time to post yesterday because I was on the road most of the day and just could not type. I will say this, the whole30 challenge that I am doing is really resetting my system. I had 8oz of pure apple juice yesterday at lunch (first beverage besides water in 2 weeks) and it gave me the WORST FARTS EVER!! I think I will stick with water.
Yesterday the excersize was front squats, I set my 6 rep max at 125#. I know its not a ton, but I can build from that. Then the WOD was 4 pushups, 8 situps, and 12 jumping lunges every minute on the minute for 12 minutes.
Today we warmed up and did Bench press I set my six rep max at 130#. Then the WOD was run a mile........I wish I never got OUT of shape!
I worked out yesterday and today. I did not have time to post yesterday because I was on the road most of the day and just could not type. I will say this, the whole30 challenge that I am doing is really resetting my system. I had 8oz of pure apple juice yesterday at lunch (first beverage besides water in 2 weeks) and it gave me the WORST FARTS EVER!! I think I will stick with water.
Yesterday the excersize was front squats, I set my 6 rep max at 125#. I know its not a ton, but I can build from that. Then the WOD was 4 pushups, 8 situps, and 12 jumping lunges every minute on the minute for 12 minutes.
Today we warmed up and did Bench press I set my six rep max at 130#. Then the WOD was run a mile........I wish I never got OUT of shape!
Monday, September 13, 2010
ball slams and kettlebells
great workout today! front squats , I set my 6 rep max at 125#. Itll get bigger.
My own body weight was down to 243 this morning. I am happy with that.
The WOD was kettlebell swings followed by ball slams (15 lb medicine ball, slammed to the ground) 25-20-15-10-5 reps each alternating exercise. I am beat.
Halibut steak, asparagus, and a Yam for lunch. YUM YUM
Friday, September 10, 2010
Strong People are...generally more useful and harder to kill.
I didnt post after last workout. Too dizzy. I did shave 46s off my baseline time.
Crossfit is going great. I got the greatest compliment yesterday. One of my staff said, "Dr. Miller, you look like you have been losing weight".
It made me feel good. 244lbs on the scale this AM but I think I may not see weight loss as fast as I would like. I dont care about the # what I care about is how I look and feel.
Today was my last day of 1 on 1's. Now I get to go into the real classes. I may even go tomorrow to SOS (sufffer on saturday). But I may just go shooting. I am not sure.
We worked on sumo squats, overheat squats and some other lifts I cant remember. The WOD was 30 seconds of pushpress followed by 1 minute of rowing x4. I did 1100M of rowing over the workout. I beat alot of the regular CF'rs.
I made a mango gazpacho last night to pour over poached eggs, so I think I will have that for dinner, not sure on lunch yet.
Friday, September 3, 2010
September 3rd
Another day of Crossfit down! I had a great workout today. We worked on the WOD warmup and then we did some kettlebell and dumbbell work. Hang power cleans, and snatches with the dumbell and kettlebell. Then my WOD... 200M run followed by 15 kettlebell swings for 8 minutes, I think I got four sets in, I cant remember, because all I could think about was how much my stomach felt like their was an alien trying to get out.
I started fish oil today. I do not like the liquid kind. YUCK! I think I will stick with the soft gel pills. I will just drown them down with my smoothie instead of mixing it in.
I started fish oil today. I do not like the liquid kind. YUCK! I think I will stick with the soft gel pills. I will just drown them down with my smoothie instead of mixing it in.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
September 2nd
Before I write about my workout today, I want to write about my paleo diet. I have subscribed to eating a paleo diet. Meat, lots of veggies, fruit, little starch, NO sugar.
Last night I wanted to tear everybodys heads off! I was hungry, but even after I ate... I was hungry. I think my body was having a sugar tantrum.
Today Chris and I talked about nutrition. Then we worked on front squats. My WOD was [250M row, then 12 ball slams] X4. I feel so good after my workout. I didnt get to blog at home because out internet is down. so now it is later in the day and I am starting to get my sugar tantrum feeling. Good thing I already have my dinner planned....
Can you OD on nuts?
Last night I wanted to tear everybodys heads off! I was hungry, but even after I ate... I was hungry. I think my body was having a sugar tantrum.
Today Chris and I talked about nutrition. Then we worked on front squats. My WOD was [250M row, then 12 ball slams] X4. I feel so good after my workout. I didnt get to blog at home because out internet is down. so now it is later in the day and I am starting to get my sugar tantrum feeling. Good thing I already have my dinner planned....
Can you OD on nuts?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 2 crossfit.
I did my second workout today! It was tough, but I didnt throw up. I mentioned in the previous post (I think) that I have to workout with one of the coaches 5 times before I can enter the crossfit class. I really love how my schedule accomodates this. Seminary from 6-7, kids off to school at 8:20, then over to Emerfit at 8:30. I worked out with the owner Chris today. He is nice. He had me do press, push press and dead lifts. That was after a warmup that was seemingly a workout all unto itself. Then after the technique portion, he had me do the WOD (workout of the Day). 5 suitcase deadlifts with kettlebells, 10 burpees, and 20 stepups. x3 for time. I was at like 10 minutes. I thought my mid section was going to totally cramp up. These are Burpees:
I HATE THEM, I thought I was going to pass out.
I want to live a LONG time, and be healthy. My Grandpa died at 72 with heart disease, kidney failure, he couldnt walk and the last time I spoke with him he told me he hadnt pee'd for 3 months because his kidneys had shut down. I dont want to end up in an adult diaper with someone caring for me 24/7!!
GREAT WORKOUT TODAY. tomorrow rest, maybe a run. Then more crossfit on Thursday!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day One
If you happen to stumble upon my blog, let me apologize. I am mainly posting this for myself. I know that if I dont keep written goals, and talk about them, they wont happen.
There is no glamour on this blog. This is my testament and commitment to myself that I will reach my fitness goal.
Our fourth child was born on April 21st 2010. I weighed 259lbs the day before he was born. I made a goal to myself to be at 215lbs by his first birthday. For the last 4 months I have implemented better eating habits, more physical exercise, and daily reminders to reach my goal. I am currently at 248lbs. I know that if I dont kick it into high gear, I will not reach that goal.
That brings me to my next topic. CROSSFIT. I have tried solo workouts -no luck (not enough motivation). I have tried the gym- (i feel like a hamster in a wheel). I have heard of crossfit. It hearkens back to my days in the marines, the workouts look legit. All the people I see doing crossfit look to be in phenomenal shape. So I chose that.
Today was my first workout. I met Brad at Emerfit in S. Ft. Collins. He showed me around the gym. I gave him my history and I told him my workout goals. He then had me do some warmups on the rowing machine. Gave me some technique training on deadlift, pullups, pushups, situps. HE then gave me an intro fitness test. Timed. 10 pullups (i needed the elastic) 20 pushups, 30 situps, 40 squats, and 500M row. He said the gym record was 3:20, between 5 and 7 minutes was really good. I did it in 8:15. I was TIRED!!!
Brad signed me up, they say I need to do 4-5 private sessions before I can go into a class. I am very optimistic that this is what I have been waiting for. I miss that Marine Corps motivation, although this may not be exactly the same, I think having a group to push you will help.
I had amber take some before pictures (with my shirt off). I am not going to post those yet. I will save them for when I have made some progress.
PS. I threw up, ALOT, after I left the gym. I got in my car. Then I had to get back out, turn around and basically unload my stomach on the ground. I havent had that happen in a long time. Good thing my smoothie I had for breakfast tasted the same coming out as it did going in.
Time to go Shuck some wisdom teeth.
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