I am down below 235!
Last week, we had a workout of the day, and the exercise was laying down flat on your back, and getting up with an 80# sandbag on your shoulder and then doing ball slams with a 15# kickball.
the reps were 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. It was exhausting. My coach was heard saying, "you all are on a steady diet of sandbag getups!"
Today the workout was definitely in my wheelhouse. For the first time in a while I felt great WHILE working out. We did 400m run, then 500m row X 5 reps. My time was 23:36. I actually came in 3rd out of 6 people and 4th total for all the classes of the day so far.
Here is the ELK I shot, I know that Dad and Andy are the only ones who follow this blog, so here you go guys!